With this software it was possible to recreate faithfully the structure of the bus and the external environmental conditions, assessing the impact of different technical solutions for an improvement of internal conditions and a reduction of the cooling capacity required. The study was done using the dynamic simulation software TRNSYS. The analysis was carried out considering the hottest day of July and the coldest day of January, considering the operating conditions based on the most common graphics TGM (Average Daily Traffic) able to define the concentration of traffic city during the 24 hours per day. For this reason it was decided to conduct a thermal analysis of a bus for public transport, in order to understand the behavior of the bus shell and to deduce possible optimization measures that have not yet been made until now.

The aim of this study is to analyze and optimize the energy performance of a bus shell, identifying practical solutions have not yet been adopted in order to reduce the impact of air conditioning on bus’ consumption and, therefore, on air pollution. During the year buses become crowded places and using an air conditioning system in constant operation, it tries to ensure a certain condition of comfort for the passengers on board. Consequently, every day a lot of buses move within cities, trying to ensure the best service to citizens.

Nowadays many people use public transports in urban centers.