Ramayan in human physiology pdf
Ramayan in human physiology pdf

Psychological phenomenon “attraction of unavailability” explained the multiplying nature of the inquisitiveness to any hidden object. It must be true, 1) Men blind from birth have no instinct of women’s breasts unless had physical contact (we have no available literature on this and 2) women have no special attraction to male breast. The size and shape of breast remained attractable and functioned fetish to many. So this greatly and prominently projected portion of the body, is always well dressed and hidden. World wide exposure of woman’s breast is considered as obscene. We explain the three possible mechanisms for it as 1) male instinct for hidden organ (visual) 2) action of secretory products of apocrine glands and 3) sebaceous glands present on breast. Kinsey and associates wondered over the biologically based mechanisms responsible for this attraction. In all cultures men manipulated manually (98%) and orally (93%) the breast of their partners. Many times in reality, such drawings occupy attention and end in everlasting bond. Credulously, these are examples showing breast of woman as attractive to men. All over the world, the fleshy female breasts are prominently figured in sculpture, canvas, prose and verse. By this action probably Lord consoled himself by making the woman unattractive. Lord Rama (whose glory is narrated in Ramayana) ordered to excise the breasts of Soorpanakha, who thronged to love His brother Laxmana. The Hindu mythology, Ramayana, occasionally showed female breasts as an attractant.

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Keywords:Breast, Attractive, Pheromone, Semiochemical, Visual Stimuli The three mechanisms discussed are on the basis of visual stimuli, pheromone and other chemicals like sebum.

ramayan in human physiology pdf ramayan in human physiology pdf

In this article the possibilities of functioning of breast as an attractant to male and leading to a long lasting relation in many cases are discussed.

ramayan in human physiology pdf

Received 29 November 2013 revised 29 December 2013 accepted 6 January 2014 This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). Department of Physiology, Sree Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Chalakka, IndiaĮmail: © 2014 by author and Scientific Research Publishing Inc.

Ramayan in human physiology pdf